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Allopathic Medicine vs Holistic Health & Wellness in 2023

What is the difference between allopathic medicine and holistic health?

Notable differences are reflected within their perspective philosophies. The allopathic paradigm embraces the western philosophy of treating symptoms (of dis-ease).

The focus is NOT to eradicate the dis-ease process initiating the symptoms. However, to simply control the symptomatic aspects, helping patients to merely “manage” their symptoms.

In stark contrast, the wholistic health premise embraces the eastern philosophy, the “unseen,” rules the seen. Or, tangible, material energy is manifested from intangible sources (i.e., spiritual, mental, mind etc.).

Dis-ease is a by-product, derived from deeper issues originating from non-physical sources. The main focus of the wholistic health physician and therapist is to identify and balance intangible energy sources to eliminate dis-ease, in lieu of manipulating symptoms

Timing is everything

Allopathic Medicine can be described as “crisis medicine,” or “emergency medicine.

When people sustain life-threatening injuries, or suffer from extreme symptoms of chronic illness, it is most highly recommended they visit the emergency department of a medical hospital.

Medically trained doctors/nurses offer life-saving procedures and medications that can facilitate immediate, affective impact upon critical health crisis.

However, after a patient comes out of a critical health crisis, it is suggested they pursue a more holistic method to eliminate the source of their dis-ease.

Holistic Health methods and natural remedies are perhaps best suited for non-emergency, dis-ease processes because it usually takes a longer time to balance the origin of dis-ease.

Holistic health methods can also be used in conjunction with allopathic procedures. This combination is known as “Integrative Medicine”.

Tools of the Trade

The medical doctor utilizes a limited number of tools to facilitate their practice.

  • Poison via pills, tablets and capsules (pharmaceutical drugs)

  • Poison via elixir/syrup (pharmaceutical drugs)

  • Poison via injection/intravenous (pharmaceutical drugs)

  • Surgery-an operation to treat injuries, diseases and deformities by the physical removal, repair or readjustment of organs and tissues, often involving cutting into the body. This procedure often includes removing internal and external body parts (organs, glands etc.) that are not replaced

  • Transplant-an operation to replace damaged/dis-eased internal organs.

  • Radiation-the treatment of using radioactive material inside the body to allegedly target and destroy damaged or dis-eased organs and tissues. Also used externally to internally diagnosis dis-ease, illness, ailments and conditions

  • Chemotherapy-treating the internal body with chemical substances that burn compromised cells allegedly to reduce symptoms and/or prolong life

Holistic health physicians and therapists utilize various unique tools, often in conjunction with each other.

Here’s a small comprehensive list of sciences, services, tools and modalities:



Aqua Therapy (external),

Aroma Therapy,

Aura Reading,

Auricular Therapy,

Blood Cell Analysis,

Chelation Therapy,


Colon Hydro-Therapy,

Chromo (color) Therapy,

Cellular Nutrition, Cell Salt Supplementation,

Diode Therapy,

Essential Oils,


Energy therapy (i.e., EFT, AFT, Body Talk, Body Talk Access, Reiki, Tong Ren etc.),


Gem-Stone Therapy,



Hug Therapy,




Light-Spectrum Therapy,

Magnet Therapy,

Massage Therapy,


Mineral Supplementation,

Music, Nutrition,

Prana Yama,




Sensual Expression,

Spoken Word Therapy (affirmations, proclamations, declarations),

Sound Therapy,

Tai Chi,

Vitamin Supplementation,


Water Therapy (internal),

Yoga and many more.

The medical system and holistic health are both trillion-dollar industries. The medical industry profits from treating patient’s unresolved, persistent dis-eases.

While, Holistic health profits from helping clients heal from dis-ease and/or maintain health. Both share extreme prominence and should be utilized for the greatest benefit and advantage of the patient/client

Doctor Kai Heru Rama

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